Uncle Chip's Cookie and Dessert Suppliers' mission is simple:
to provide its customers with an irresistible, one of a kind cookie that can be enjoyed just about any time, anywhere. That's why we use only the finest ingredients and deliver across the country. We will bring the best chocolate chip cookies to your doorstep. It's that simple.
...Because sometimes you just need a cookie.

Uncle Chip's was inspired by a single product:
the chocolate chip cookie. Shannon, the company founder, developed Uncle Chip's secret recipe over the course of a year of grueling taste tests and serious market research. Friends, friends of friends, co- workers in San Francisco, CA, family and strangers all helped to develop the product as it comes to you today. After deciding to form the company, Shannon's secret recipe had to be changed so that a gooey cookie could be produced without the egg. There were three rounds of blind taste tests with mixed results. The final recipe was decided on when Shannon's friends came home from a long night out to see two cookies in front of them on the oven, on the left test cookie #1 and on the right, test cookie #2. She was asleep at the time and awoke to her two roomies scarfing down option #1 screaming,"This is it."
Indeed it was.
Taste the results yourself.

So, who is Uncle Chip?
Uncle Chip's real name is Alvin Bernard Dennig, Jr. He is the son of the real Alvin Bernard Dennig, the founder's grandfather. Uncle Chip has always been a fan of cookies and has a sassy enough name to be the namesake for Uncle Chip's.